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Thank you for being an ASQ Learning customer! If you need help understanding the technical content of your course, feel free to browse the discussion threads below, or post a new one. For non-content-related queries, please visit or contact Customer Care at
Sharon Reed
Hi, I used the example of how to create a contingency table but I am not able to get the correct answer. I don't know ...
Sharon Reed Oct '22

Hi @Sharon Reed ! Can you please always confirm the location in the course each time you post a screenshot? Context ...

@Hadrien Tournier

All questions for the short run spc activity and all questions for contingency tables activity

Sharon Reed
Hi, I have tried every which way to solve these questions and am unable to get the correct answer. There are no sample ...
Sharon Reed Nov '22

@Sharon Reed Could you please include what questions you are struggling with, and where in the course you have ...

Sharon Reed
In addition, the question is repeated but has two different answers. Who can check and advise on this?
Sharon Reed Sep '22
Duke Okes Duke Okes Sep '22

@Sharon Reed Insufficient info provided here to answer. Is there another post?

@Duke Okes See below


@Sharon Reed
If you look at the contingency table activities, Q1 and Q2 are the same confusing question yet they ...

@Sharon Reed I'm sure it's unintentional on your part, but you did not include the contingency table, or question ...

Rhesa Adrian
Hi, I was wondering where I can get ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003 (R2013) sampling tables. I could not find it in the CQE ...
Rhesa Adrian Oct '22

@Rhesa Adrian The information can be purchased through ASQ at the following site:

Sharon Reed
Hi, Where does the MR value shown below as 2.14 come from? Please let me know as it doesn’t make sense if you look at the ...
Sharon Reed Oct '22

@Sharon Reed
This is the MR table I am referring to


Hi Sharon,

2.14 is the average of the moving range values. In this case sum up the individual MR values and you get 15. ...

@Jeffrey Hanson
Thank you very much. Sometimes it is clear where the information is coming from and sometimes it is ...